Essay writing is not an easy task as it more often than not demands the students to comprehend the topic analyze the available information and also think at the same time. College essay topics are designed in a way so that they can test a student’s writing skill and also reveals the perspective of an individual student. So before you start writing your college essay, you should be aware of how to choose your topic
Our Phd tutors with years of essay writing help experience have made a list of popular essay topics for college student, see below:.
Should Technology alter the Traditional Educational Format?
The advent of technology along with the computer software has transformed the scope of teaching and learning at the same time. This kind of essay topics generally evaluates the students’ knowledge about the rise of online education and online teaching and also at the same time determines the perspective and point-of-view a student holds regarding this change. This kind of essay topics normally test whether or not a particular student is open to new ideas like online education or if he/she is open to changes and can think out of the box.
Should we carry on with Capital Punishment?
The legal idea of death penalty has triggered various arguments throughout the globe and this kind of essay topics normally tests the students’ idea about the scenario and also evaluates the stand-point on the overall justice system of the country. It is essential to understand to what extent and for what crimes a person is penalized with capital punishment and on the basis of that a student needs to take a stand-point and argue on it logically.
Encouraging the Practice of Adopting Pets from the Animal Shelter
It is also a vastly debated topic as to whether or not the governments across the States should encourage citizens to adopt pets from the animal shelter rather than running after a better breed at the expensive pet shops. This kind of essay topic tests a student’s ability look at the broader perspective and checks whether the person is empathetic towards the situation and deals the matter with care and compassion.
Should Euthanasia be legalized?
In some countries it is! However, irrespective of the legal and administrative issues, there are other perspectives which can be evaluated. This kind of essay topics not only evaluates the writing skill of a particular student but also at the same time it determines whether or not a particular student is capable of incorporating other’s perspective into the context. The morale judgment of a student should be based on logic and empathy and that is what the teachers try to determine.
Views on Gender Wage Gap
It is actually a burning topic of debate in the both political and business world and considering the fact that the students will soon enter the corporate environment, this kind of essay topics tests the understanding of the student and their in-depth analytical and reasoning skill. There is obviously no right or wrong answers to this issue and also at the same time the things are not as simple as it appears. The wage gap issue is something which the past few governments have tried to address and a student’s perspective on those actions is a crucial evaluating factor.
Should the practice of grading of the teachers, by the students, be encouraged at school?
Essay topics need not be necessarily always centered on high-end political or social causes but also it tries to assess a student’s ability to analyze and judge a situation in a known environment or a situation where they can throw some lights from their practical experiences.
Can the renewable energy sources sustain our current lifestyle and demand?
Again there is no direct yes or no answer to this issue but this kind of essay topics normally tests the ability of the student to do his or her own research about the alternate energy sources and outline an argument which essentially counters or aligns with the central theme of the essay.
Considering the above mentioned topics, is not always easy to structure an essay for student who lacks the experience in approaching a particular argument or take a stand for that matter. Learn How to write a good essay and than go ahead without any fear.
You can be a straight “A” student with excellent vocabulary but writing an essay requires something extra. There online essay writing helps available who guide and assist students to write a fantastic piece. HelpWithAssignment.com is one such establishment having an envious collection of English essay writers and essay writing experts who are associated with esteemed universities in the western world.